Selasa, 19 Februari 2013

FAQ : Endgame Raid & PvE (English)

Q: What's the level cap of RO2?
A: As of now, level 50.

Q: What are the things we could do once we reach Level 50?
A: It depends on you. You can farm for items. You can do raids. You can do Khara Quests that you haven't finished yet, etc.

Q: What are Bapho dungeon and Pve Arena?
A: Bapho dungeon and Pve Arena is where you fight boss monsters and get Epic items from them.

Q: Is there a difference between Bapho dungeon and Pve Arena?
A: Yes. The first one would be the boss count., Bapho dungeon only has 4 bosses while Pve Arena has 7 bosses that you need to defeat in order to finish it. The next difference is the item drops, there are Epic equips that doesn't drop on Bapho dungeon but does drop on Pve Arena and vise-versa. The third difference would be is their cooldown, Bapho dungeon and Pve Arena has their own cooldown. Which means if you're on cooldown with Bapho dungeon doesn't mean that your Pve Arena is in cooldown too.

Q: What's the cooldown for Bapho dungeon and Pve Arena for?
A: For example, you're on what we call Cooldown state in Bapho dungeon, you won't be able to get the item that bosses drops. Which means you'll only be able to obtain the items that the boss drops when you're not on cooldown. The same goes for Pve Arena.

Q: When will I be in a Cooldown state?
A: After you kill a boss, the boss that you just killed will be under the cooldown state.

Q: When I'm cooldown, does it mean I won't be able to join Bapho dungeon or Pve Arena parties?
A: No. You can still join the party and participate, BUT you will not able to obtain the items that the boss drops.

Q: Since I won't be able to obtain the item I need, Why should I still join the Bapho dungeon or Pve Arena party?
A: Because there's this thing we called Bapho gold, and Pve Arena gold or Bapho dice, and Pve Arena dice.

Q: What is Bapho/Pve gold and dice is?
A: Bapho/Pve Arena gold means you'll be payed by gold(zeny) if you didn't bid and/or you lost the bid. For example, if someone bids 300z for the item that the boss drops and no one else bids against it, the 300z will be divide to how many players there is in the party minus the player who won the bid.
Bapho/Pve Arena dice means the party members will roll the dice by typing /dice 100. Whoever gets the highest roll will get item.

PS: There are times in Bapho/Pve Arena gold that they will roll the dice. This happens when no one bids for the items that is dropped.

Q: When does the cooldown for Bapho and Pve Arena end?
A: Every Wednesday and Sunday

Q: What does RHM stands for?
A: Random Hard Mode

Q: What is Random Hard Mode?
A: RHM is the same as the Dungeons you went before. The only difference is that it's under hard mode. Which means the monsters has more HP than before.

Q: What do we get from doing RHM?
A: Level 50 Blue equipments, and Old Blue Box.

Q: I wasn't able to finish a RHM dungeon. What will happen to me now?
A: When this happens, you will not be able to enter a Hard mode dungeon that is chosen randomly. You will have to wait for 30 minutes until you Deserteure debuff disappear. But fear not. You can still enter Hard Mode dungeon but you have to enter them Manually.

note: This is for Korean Server. Any difference with SEA maybe only about reset day for Dungeon

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