Sabtu, 23 Februari 2013

Basic Card Guide (English)

First guide in forum. Personal experience of card system. Results from google are a bit outdated because it shows the old card system. For example, OLD SYSTEM: combining 3 normal poring card will give you 1 silver poring card. NEW SYSTEM: The card system has been revamped into combining 5 different cards to get 1 random card of higher rank.

What is cards?

Cards give status boost to a character when equipped. Higher rank cards will give more boost.

How to use cards?

Drag the card into your character window (shortcut key:C) More cards slots are unlocked as you level up.

Where to obtain cards?

Kill monsters and pray hard they drop one(usually green card). Higher ranks can be obtained through synthesize and occasionally boss/dungeon drops. Cards obtainable can be checked in the card album. Credits: Flash2k6

Card Ranks. Need to be confirmed

There are 3 ranks in accordance to the color of the card frame. Green (Normal and Normal+), Blue (Silver), Yellow (Gold), Source: RO2 website. Higher ranks card are obtainable through combining 5 cards of the same rank. Read "results from combining cards" for more info.

What is card sets?

Card sets are combination of certain cards equipped in card slots. In return, it will give extra stats boost(read card description).

How to combine cards?(only tested twice and need more confirmation. However, simple steps are provided)

Talk to card npc and buy 1 card refine stone from npc. Prepare 5 cards(must be 5 different cards). Talk to npc and select "combine" option. Place 5 cards and stone inside (I don't know what is the extra slot for but I am guessing cash items to boost the success). Press combine and pray hard it is successful as it has 50% of success rate only.

Results from combining cards (Need confirmation as well) Special thanks to Flash2k6, Dztnhy, Hikyuu for helping.
5 different cards combined together to produce a higher ranking. In regards to higher ranking, for example, 5 different normal card = 1 normal+ or 5 different normal card = 1 blue. I don't know how it works but I am guessing that it is random or certain requirements have to be met(level of card). The combination of 5 green cards may result in either normal + or blue.

Apparently, the card obtained from combination is one of the original 5 cards you used. The level of the card produced seems to be the card(used in combination) with the lowest level.Different input will affect its result though I don't have enough data on that yet.

How to replace cards?

Just drag a new card over the card you want to replace. Warning: Old card will be destroyed

Selasa, 19 Februari 2013

UNION Reward (English)

setiap union mempunya hadiah yg berbeda dengan union lainnya..Berikut lokasi npc dan reward yg dapat di tukar dengan Union Token anda.
Spoilerfor npc:
  • Scroll: Provoke Lv1
  • Scroll: Berserk Lv1
  • Earth Marks Box (You get 20 Earth Marks)
  • Strong Sharpener (V)
  • Costume
  • dll

Odin Orthodoxy : (at Church in Prontera)
  • Scroll: Blessing Lv1
  • Scroll: Assumptio Lv1
  • Scroll: Jupitel Thunder Lv1
  • Life Source Box (You get 20 Life Source)
  • Dragon Embryo (V)
  • Costume
  • dll
  • Scroll: Poisening Weapon Lv1
  • Scroll: Shadow Claw Lv1
  • Scroll: Increased Agility Lv1
  • Ruin's Spirit Box (You get 20 Ruin's Spirit)
  • Tiger Embryo (V)
  • Costume
  • dll
  • Scroll: Indyueo(?) Lv1 (Elementar Blessing - 10sec 8% less Dmg)
  • Wind Potion
  • Natures Water Box (You get 20 Nature Water)
  • Bear Embryo (V)
  • Costume
  • dll

Magic Academy : (at Prontera Castle)
  • Scroll: Meteor Storm Lv1 (not sure whether is Storm or something else lol)
  • Scroll: Meteor Odem Lv1
  • Scroll: Frost Nova Lv1
  • Gift Box (You get 20 Materials, like Nature Water etc.)
  • Magic Oil (V)
  • Costume
  • dll
  • Wind Potion
  • Zeny Bag (You can sell it for 24 zeny)
  • dll

UNION System (Indonesia)


  • Apakah Union System itu?
Agan dapat join di Union System ketika agan udah Lvl 50dan memperoleh quest Union(tekan [;], pilih union lalu join dan dapatkan questnya ), dan ketika selesai agan akan dapat reward token yang bisa di tukarkan dengan item di npc tertentu.untuk dapat bergabung di union, cukup tekan[;].

  • Leave Union?
Ketika telah bergabung di union, agan dapat tinggal d union tersebut selama 2 hari. Setelah 2 hari agan dapat keluar dari union tersebut, tetapi jika masih ada quest yg belum selesai agan harus abandon quest tersebut. Kalo bisa selesaikan semua quest union sebelum meninggalkannya. Setelah keluar dapat join ke union lainnya.

  • Jenis Quest Union?
untuk mendapatkan questnya, agan cukup tekan tombol [;] lalu pilih union yg agan pilih, lalu pilih join dan silahkan ambil questnya. Quest union terdapat 2 jenis, yaitu Normal union dimana agan cuma dsuruh bunuh momon tertentu, dan Hard union dimana agan disuruh kill monster di Hard Dungeon, yang tentunya Hard union lebih banyak mndapatkan jumlah reward token.

  • Reset Quest Union?
Normal Union reset setiap 6 jam
Hard Union Reset 48 jam.

FAQ : Endgame Raid & PvE (English)

Q: What's the level cap of RO2?
A: As of now, level 50.

Q: What are the things we could do once we reach Level 50?
A: It depends on you. You can farm for items. You can do raids. You can do Khara Quests that you haven't finished yet, etc.

Q: What are Bapho dungeon and Pve Arena?
A: Bapho dungeon and Pve Arena is where you fight boss monsters and get Epic items from them.

Q: Is there a difference between Bapho dungeon and Pve Arena?
A: Yes. The first one would be the boss count., Bapho dungeon only has 4 bosses while Pve Arena has 7 bosses that you need to defeat in order to finish it. The next difference is the item drops, there are Epic equips that doesn't drop on Bapho dungeon but does drop on Pve Arena and vise-versa. The third difference would be is their cooldown, Bapho dungeon and Pve Arena has their own cooldown. Which means if you're on cooldown with Bapho dungeon doesn't mean that your Pve Arena is in cooldown too.

Q: What's the cooldown for Bapho dungeon and Pve Arena for?
A: For example, you're on what we call Cooldown state in Bapho dungeon, you won't be able to get the item that bosses drops. Which means you'll only be able to obtain the items that the boss drops when you're not on cooldown. The same goes for Pve Arena.

Q: When will I be in a Cooldown state?
A: After you kill a boss, the boss that you just killed will be under the cooldown state.

Q: When I'm cooldown, does it mean I won't be able to join Bapho dungeon or Pve Arena parties?
A: No. You can still join the party and participate, BUT you will not able to obtain the items that the boss drops.

Q: Since I won't be able to obtain the item I need, Why should I still join the Bapho dungeon or Pve Arena party?
A: Because there's this thing we called Bapho gold, and Pve Arena gold or Bapho dice, and Pve Arena dice.

Q: What is Bapho/Pve gold and dice is?
A: Bapho/Pve Arena gold means you'll be payed by gold(zeny) if you didn't bid and/or you lost the bid. For example, if someone bids 300z for the item that the boss drops and no one else bids against it, the 300z will be divide to how many players there is in the party minus the player who won the bid.
Bapho/Pve Arena dice means the party members will roll the dice by typing /dice 100. Whoever gets the highest roll will get item.

PS: There are times in Bapho/Pve Arena gold that they will roll the dice. This happens when no one bids for the items that is dropped.

Q: When does the cooldown for Bapho and Pve Arena end?
A: Every Wednesday and Sunday

Q: What does RHM stands for?
A: Random Hard Mode

Q: What is Random Hard Mode?
A: RHM is the same as the Dungeons you went before. The only difference is that it's under hard mode. Which means the monsters has more HP than before.

Q: What do we get from doing RHM?
A: Level 50 Blue equipments, and Old Blue Box.

Q: I wasn't able to finish a RHM dungeon. What will happen to me now?
A: When this happens, you will not be able to enter a Hard mode dungeon that is chosen randomly. You will have to wait for 30 minutes until you Deserteure debuff disappear. But fear not. You can still enter Hard Mode dungeon but you have to enter them Manually.

note: This is for Korean Server. Any difference with SEA maybe only about reset day for Dungeon

Minggu, 17 Februari 2013

Sekilas Mengenai Profesi (Indonesia)

Profesi tukang jahit untuk membuat light armor dan clothes bagi para archer, mage, thief dan aco. Dan bisa bikin rune utk nambah stat equip

- Bahan tersedia banyak, tinggal ambil dari mayat monster - Cepat naik jobnya (karena bahan banyak)
- Item yang dibuat jelas berguna, paling enggak utk dipakai sendiri atau kasih hadiah untuk teman
- Bisa bikin rune untuk nambah stat equip

- Refining bahan lumayan lamaa (karena item2nya bakal terkumpul banyak)
- Banyak saingan
- Yang laku dijual mungkin cuma rune
- Baju lakinya agak2 maho, apalagi waktu duduk di depan mesin jait

Profesi yang laki banget. Membuat macam2 senjata dan heavy armor khusus bagi para swordman. Serta alat pelobang
- Item yg dihasilkan berguna, paling enggak utk diri sendiri
- Alat pelubang equip (hole puncher) pasti akan dicari banyak org

- Banyak saingan
- Mata mesti sering jelalatan untuk cari bongkahan batu
- Rada lama leveling profesi krn item2nya enggak begitu banyak
- Sepi permintaan (kecuali hole punchernya)

Profesi membuat macam2 makanan utk restore HP/SP dan buff 60 menit penambah status.

- Bahan tersedia banyak. Tinggal ambil dari mayat monster - Leveling profesinya cepet krn stok bahan banyak
- Permintaan akan selalu ada, terutama utk buff foodnya

- Food hanya bisa dipakai off-combat!
- Enggak bisa dipakai untuk cari duit karena pasar pasti bakal banyak yang jual
- Ngebayangin kalo makanannya dibuat dari hasil ngorek2 mayat...

Profesi pembuat potion, boost potion dan bahan tempa

- Oridecon dan Elunium akan selalu diperebutkan!!!
- Item buatan Alchemist akan selalu terpakai, karena isi HP/SP nya lebih banyak ketimbang buatan NPC
- Gayanya keren

- Mata mesti jelalatan setiap saat utk nyari bahan. Bahkan lebih susah diliat ketimbang bahannya blacksmith
- Oridecon dan Elunium baru bisa dibuat saat lv profesi 50 /swt
- Bahan susah, leveling agak lama
- Boost potion cuma ngasi buff 30 detik (tapi nambah statnya besar)

Mudah2an membantu 

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