Rabu, 23 Januari 2013

Sorcerer Guide (Indonesia)

Agan / aganwati pecinta sorcerer perkenankan saya berbagi pengalaman dan build in-game seaRo2 ini.

Kata orang-orang build sorcerer terbaik adalah tipe hybrid. Kata saya juga begitu.
Lantas ada yang pingin build full support atau pure dps? Silakan saja yang penting fun. Disini saya akan mengulas tentang hybrid sorcerer.

Hybrid sorcerer enak dibawa kemana aja, PVP oke, dungeon oke, solo mini bos oke, grinding oke.

Berikut ini skill yang saya terapkan in-game :
 Skill Build

Skill-skill utama hybrid sorcerer
1.Cold Bolt
Mentokin skill ini, karena bakal spam terus sampai muncul wind arm proc dan JT mastery.

2.Frost Diver
Max-in juga, salah satu skill terpenting dalam PVP. Untuk hunt grinding dan dps dungeon saya suka kombinasi kadang spam CB kadang diawali FD.
(biar ga bosan hehehe)

3.Wind Arm
Skill bintang 5, trigger wind arm proc 2x damage combo dengan CB.
Juga ngurangin cast time skill (kokang jurus) 20 % : GG.

4. Jupitel Thunder
Mentokin gan, skill damage utama.

5. JT Mastery
Mentokin, tapi hanya dapat muncul kalau agan spam CB. Buat PVP jos.

6. Foresight
Murni skill PVP, kalau saya = mentokin. yahud.

7.Vareytr Spear
Skill damage utama disamping JT, stun 3 detik jos buat PVP. Bayangkan 4x 80 %=320 % damage dari wind arm proc dan kritikal.Kalo buat lawan mobs so-so la, cooldownya 30 detik, jadi kira-kira 1 skill tiap 3 mobs.
nanti lvl 50 cooldown bisa 24 detik.

8. Deluge
Skill Heal Over Time area serbaguna. Sangat penting apalagi buat menahan skill kritis dari bos dungeon. Buat pvp pasang Deluge dan LoR dijamin anda sangat sulit ditaklukan.

9.Land of Recovery
Seperti Deluge HOT area, skill berlangsung 10 detik cooldown 10 detik jadi bisa digunakan terus-menerus.Kelebihan skill ini bisa diletakan di target heal.
Misal kita target tank maka area disekitarnya mendapat efek LoR. Jadii mentokin.

~Kenapa saya tidak pro pada Lightining Bolt? karena untuk spam diganti Cold Bolt. Pernah saya tes, FD+ LB (5-6x) damagenya lebih besar daripada spam CB+JT, tetapi saya tetap tidak ambil tipe LB karena : . 1. capek, 2. kalo lag mentok 1-3x spam LB, 3. buat PVP kombinasi FD JT VS damagenya berlipat-lipat dari FD LB.

~Kenapa heal target cuma ambil lvl 1 (Rejuvenation dan Healing Wave)?
Karena skill point yang terbatas, untuk dungeon normal sampai lvl 50 memadahi heal lvl 1 pun, asal equip agan setara level jumlah healnya tercukupi dari magic attack. Untuk PVP, pertahanan diri cukup Deluge dan LoR karena tidak perlu ganti target. Untuk melawan mini bos quest di open world cukup LoR, tinggal di taruh ga usah mikir yang lain, gebras-gebrus hajar. Jadi saya ambil buat syarat doang.

~Meditation lvl 1, di KRO dengan di SeaRO penjelasaanya lain.
Jadi sementara saya simpulkan Meditation hanya berefek di crit heal, dan saya tidak butuh.

~Soul Cleansing lvl 1 cukup, untuk meghilangkan DOT. DOT dari bos lvl 35 keatas kadang sakit banget ini jangan dianggap remeh 
Description: http://kkcdn-static.kaskus.co.id/images/smilies/sumbangan/15.gif

~Summon Aqua, dari deskripsi skillnya menjanjikan. Summon yang menggebuk musuh tapi pada kenyataanya ga begitu berguna. Lvl 1 cukup.
Damage kecil, gebuk tiap 2 detik dan cooldownya lama.

~Earth Shield lvl 1, haha saya suka dimarah-marahi anggota tim. Cuek.
Bermodal Deluge dan LoR semua dungeon normal lancar.

~Water Arm, skill bagus sayang bentrok dengan wind arm dan terbatasnya poin.

~Earth Arm, Saya suka memakai skill ini kalau lagi dungeon. Saat kritis misal priest lag atau damage boss over disarankan pakai EA menambah jumlah besaran heal dan tentu saja jika heal target muncul kritikal akan muncul heal baru HOT. Sebenarnya ingin sayam entokin tapi poin terbatas......

~Skill area Thunder Storm dan Lord of Vermilion. Kelihatannya mantap, skill area jadi damagenya berlipat-lipat tapi pada kenyataanya jauh lebih kecil karena tidak adanya wind arm proc, lagipula mana yang dipakai LoV 20 poin, bocor banget, lain dengan skill area Wizard yang base damagenya gede.
Sekali lagi damage dari sorcerer tergantung wind arm proc. oke? 
Description: http://kkcdn-static.kaskus.co.id/images/smilies/sumbangan/15.gif

Stat Versi saya
41 Int
41 Agi

Kenapa tidak main Vit?
misal 40 int 40 agi 8 vit?
Karena 8 vit cuma nambah 40 hp, dan jumlah itu sangat kecil efeknya di level 50.

Kartu, Rune dan Life Job

Gampang saja saya memilih yang banyak int, agi dan vit.

Full int.

Saya lebih suka artisan.

PVP Mode / Duel
Saya sudah duel puluhan kali dengan lawan yang setara level.
Lawan job lain menang 100%. lawan sesama sorcerer kalah beberapa kali.

Skillnya :
Pasang Land of Recovery-FS-FD-JT-VS.
Sebagian besar kolaps.
~Kalau musuhnya masih geli-geli : FD-JT-spam CB-JT.
~Kalau ternyata damage musuh sakit banget, pasang Deluge (masih instant cast).
~Kalau musuhnya ngilang, secepat reflek agan jatuhkan TS di tempat awal dia ngilang, kenapa ga LoV karena LoV damage disekitar kita tdak bisa jarak jauh.
NB : Skill instant cast ditdak memakan efek Foresight.
contoh : Kita FD-JT (makan 2 FS) -VS(ga berkurang tetap sisa 1 FS).

Sekian sedikit berbagi cerita dari saya, terimakasih.


Sorcerer Guide Detail (English)

The Author

Just a quick introduction, I play as the Sorceror Kablam on Loki and have pretty decent experience with the class in PvE/Baphoment raids as well as generally killing things and people (PvP). I've once in one day gone through every sorc build imaginable just to see what works best for this versatile class. I'm not saying I'm the best, but I have gotten around to learning about sorcs. So as there is no guide on the forums yet, I'd like to share most (but not all) of my knowledge.

The Sorcerer

The sorceror is one of the most versatile classes to play, in such a way that your skill build varies to your playing style as well as what you'd like to bring forward in parties and raids.

Sorcs are one of the only two classes in the game people depend on for healing (the other obviously being the priest). What makes a sorceror's heals different from a priests is that it focuses more on Area of Effect and Heals over Time.

Sorcerors also provide other types of support in the forms of defense buffs, ressurecting other players, targeted heals (not as good as priests of course).

And of course hailing from the mage class, sorcerors also pack their own arsenal of spells to whittle down the enemy via combinations of spells, instant cast or double damage procs.

The Spellbook

The sorceror has 4 tress that can be followed namely: (1) Water, (2) Fire, (3) Wind/Lightning, and (4) Earth. How you go about the skills depends on your heart. Captain Planet pun aside, I'll be giving some insight on all of the skills and suggestions to skill levels in this section.


Cold Bolt ●●●●●

Second fastest/strongest of the three bolts; it has a 40% slow debuf which is the same across all the levels. This is the bread and butter skill for all Ice-Lightning sorc builds because it triggers Wind Arms. Unless you're a full support Sorcerer, this skill should be at level 5.

Frost Driver ●●●●●

Your first disable. Freezes your target for 2/4/6 seconds and during that time all Lightning spells do double damage. ALL. Including your party's. The only thing bad about it: diminishing returns. Your next frost lasts half duration, and the third frost will miss. The diminishing returns is counted by the monster so if another mage freezes it it will be counted towards the 2 freeze rule.

This is your key to burst damaging anything that can be frozen, Frost Driver into Varetyr Spear and Jupitel Thunder usually does a ridiculous amount of damage. Great for taking out small adds, and absolutely necessary for disarming the Devil Bomb in Baphomet's Garden (Hard).

Water Arms ●●●●●

You don't take this skill for the HP/SP regeneration. Your heal skills and mana potions take care of that. You don't take this skill to be your main Arms either. This skill is strictly for swapping into when you know you're about to get hurt. 10% damage reduction may very well save your life when you find yourself dead center of a boss' AoE. Only take this skill if you have the extra points for it (for whatever reason). Swapping between arms can be a bit tedious and is no way standard for any sorc, but if it keeps you from dying and you've got the points for it, why not.

Summon Aqua ●●●●●

This is your automatic mobile Cold Bolt turret. Summons a water elemental that is immune to everything and doesn't go away until his time is up. It's pretty much an extension of the sorcerer as its damage is based on your stats; and not to mention it can even do critical hits. It will unleash 15 cold bolts over 30 seconds (one every two seconds) at whatever you targeted when casting this. He doesn't stop, he doesn't die, he doesn't need you to do anything, he'll chase your target down. And when the target is dead, he'll move on the the next closest one. Amazing skill for long term burst damage.

Healing Wave ●●○○○

Your basic point and click heal spell. Considerably Much weaker than the Priest's Heal. Only for full support. I personally do not advocate sorcerer doing point and click heals, since they do damage much better, and really, AoE heals from Deluge and Land of Recovery is what is expected. But if you want to go for a full support sorc, it's definitely possible.

For Hybrid builds, if you find yourself needing to choose between Healing Wave and Earth Arms. Just get Earth Arms. Since the 10% affects all of your heals. That and the difference between level 1 and level 5 Healing wave is right about 10% anyway.


Soul Cleansing ●●●○○

Removes status such as stun and freeze from my testing which can be useful. Example's would be Final Boss in Culvert Abyss stun and Blue Crab in Arena's Freeze. Only issue is that the number of status removed is actually spread across the AoE. So at level 2 if you target 4 frozen players (poor saps) only 2 are set free.

Not sure if it works on Silence etc.

Meditation ●●●●●

Ever since this skill was changed it's been pretty amazing. At level 1, it gives you 340% of your (Accuracy -95%) as critical. This skill truly shines later in the game when you're geared out with accuracy pumping equipment. Level 1 should suffice, but if you're looking to do a full Agi/Dex critical build, then feel free to take it to higher levels if you have the excess skill points.

Needs confirmation on whether or not this works for non-healing skills. I personally have never confirmed this and I've always felt like it helped with my general crits. If anyone has done substantial testing on this please let me know.

Deluge ●●●●●

The sorcerer's "oh s**t" skill. This skill saves lives during raids and is absolutely necessary to have if you plan on going raiding. If you don't have it, don't expect people to be happy with you. What makes this better than the priest's sanctuary is the fact that it boosts the party's maximum HP as well, this can be a real blessing (pun intended) when you can anticipate bosses using their AoE's (learn to watch the raid icons, it warns you). Don't skip this skill, it's pretty high priority, get it at level 1 at the very least. But the higher the level the better.

Firebolt ○○○○○

Cold Bolt is better.

Fireball Mastery ○○○○○

You are not going to use Fire Bolt.

Fire Arms ○○○○○

Wind Arms is better.

Fireball ○○○○○

This skill says 30% damage burn. That 30% isn't 30% of your MATK. It's 30% of the 56% you did with the skill initially. That's 72.8% damage. That's 8.8% more damage than what Jupitel does. If you think 5 skill points are worth 8.8% of damage while you could have just been using Cold Bolt at least 3 times (Which is more than 72.8%) while casting to set up a double damage Jupitel. Go ahead. But my professional advice: No.

Wind / Lightning :

Lightning Bolt ●●●●●

If you're looking for a "cheap" source of DPS so that you can spend your points into being a support sorcerer, look no further. This is as cheap and efficient as it gets. Don't be mistaken though, this skill spammed alone can't hope do deal more damage than the Ice-Lightning build of course. That and it's pretty mana intensive, so get ready to spam those Mana Potions.

Thunder Storm ○○○○○

No. Just. No.

Wind Arms ●●●●●●

Yes those are 6 ratings. This skill is amazing. Forget about how it makes you cast faster (actually no, don't forget it, it's awesome), 30% chance to do DOUBLE DAMAGE on your next TWO LIGHTNING ATTACKS after using Cold Bolt? Nothing says burst damage like double damage.

Best part is, it's not a de-buff on the monster that says "the next two lightning attacks done to this monster do double damage" it's a buff on you that says "the next two lightning attacks you do inflicts double damage". This is the cornerstone of all Ice-Lightning builds. This is the reason we spam Cold Bolt.

Jupitel Thunder ●●●●●

This is the skill that follows all Frost Drives and all Double Damage procs. 128% Damage? Yes please.

Don't use this skill unless you've got the Wind Arms proc or if the monster is Frozen. This is a good skill that has synergy with other good skills. Max it if you're doing DPS. There's really nothing to talk about here.

Jupitel Thunder Mastery ●●●○○

Same as Fireball Mastery 5%/10%/15% chance to get an instant cast buff for Jupitel Thunder after using Lightning COLD BOLT.Did I mention how cold bolt triggers wind arms? If you have the excess skill points to toss into here, go for it if you want more DPS. Low priority skill, but if you've got the points to toss in here go ahead.

Foresight ●●●●●

Rating of 5. But only for PvP/WoE. Otherwise it really doesn't have any use. Frost Drive -> Jupitel -> Varetyr -> Jupitel is about as burst damage as you can get. Most players will drop dead from it.

Until PvP/WoE becomes implemented and unless you're making a PvP build: leave this skill at 1.

Lord of Vermilion ●●●○○

Okay. So this skill is the much better Thunderstorm. It does as much damage as the Warrior's Brandish Storm, and Priest's Magnus Exorcismus. I personally don't like maxing it. simply because Sorcs can Nuke Adds/Mobs/Summons better than they can AoE them; I like to leave the mob clearing to Wizards and Warriors personally.

Biggest downfall of this skill? The AoE has you in the center. Normally you don't want to be standing in the center of the adds.

Varetyr Spear ●●●●●

NUKE. That's what this spell is. No requirements, you push the button and the spell flies out and does a ridiculous amount of damage. 30 second cooldown is nothing to worry about. If you're leveling up, you'll probably only use this once per monster anyway. Great generally killing anything. It also has a 3 second stun! In PvP Frost Drive->Varetyr+Jupitel pretty much spells the end for most opponents. 80% damage on demand is nothing to laugh at.


Earth Arms ●●●●●

Absolutely necessary if you're going to go for the healing route. +10% Heal goes into your LoR, your Deluge, your Healing Wave, your Rejuvenation. The heal over time (HoT) triggered by the critical only gets triggered by single target heals. This skill is kind of silly with stats since it depends on you landing a crit, as well as having high MATK. The HoT isn't based on the amount your healed (like Fireball's DoT) but based on your MATK so this is constant.

Soul Binding ●●●●●●

6 Stars. Level 3. No questions asked. 3 minutes is a lot shorter than 5 minutes. And in a raid, one of the most common reasons for wiping out is because resurrect hasn't cooled down yet.

WAIT A MINUTE! So in RO2 SEA, it's been confirmed that the cooldown for this skill has been changed to be 10x longer, that's 50/40/30 minutes. Now, that generally means you're probably only going to use this skill once every boss battle, so whether or not you max it to level 3 depends on how patient your party is and how willing people are to wait an extra 20 minutes between fights. But as far as in-combat rating goes, it's the same across all the levels.

Rejuvenation ●●●●●

If Healing Wave is to the Priest's Heal, then Rejuvenation is to the Priest's Highness Heal. This used to be worse, since there was this whole dance involved in casting this "instant" heal. But they've sped that up and it's speed is comparable to Healing Wave and the amount it heals makes up for any difference.

Earth Shield ●●●●●

I'd like to rate this lower. Because really this skill works on percentages. Meaning, it's better for tanks, but kinda whatever for people who aren't stacking up on defense. Unlike wind arms that gives you a solid 20% to your speed this skill is based on how much defense you have. But you know, people like their buffs, and every little bit counts, so get it at 5, otherwise you'll have to depend on another sorc to have it at 5.

Land of Recovery ●●●●●●

Another 6 rated skill. The Sorcerer's signature skill. This is the skill that makes Sorcerers an auto include in any raid. The Land of Recovery can ALWAYS be on the floor since the duration lasts 10 seconds and the cooldown takes 10 seconds but somehow you can overlap your current and next casts to keep it going. Pro tip: ALWAYS keep Land of Recovery down. ALWAYS. Regularly you'll want to keep it on yourself, and regularly the RDPS and healers would be standing near you benefitting from this. On other occasions though the LoR's are dropped on the tanks, particularly for bosses without much AoE skills.

Stat build:
Int - 48/50
Agi/Vit - Remaining points.

Starting off, you want to have some Vit, around 25-40 should do, for the most part it's because you don't have any gear that boosts your health. And a dead sorc is a useless sorc.

Also, you need to have int more than you need Agi. Simply because your critical rate is pitiful to begin with anyway and you simply do more damage with more int, raw power wins out in this one.

HOWEVER! End game, when you're all decked out in the best gear, you want to have maximum Agi and the rest will go into Int. Simply because your gear will already give you truckloads of Int and you'll have enough HP to survive most things anyway.

The safest way you can go is to put 25 Int asap, then decide whether or not you want to force yourself to do a skill reset later on. You can hope to later just pick up Scratch Raider Cards so you dont need to put vit in, but trust me for those first few Raids you want the HP. Agi really wont help you out too much early in the game.

Another build, for those of you who want results asap, is to bring your Int all the way to 40-50. With your Int at 40 you can still raise Agi all the way to 40 as well, while not squeezing the juice out of your sorc completely, it keeps you from running around as a 25/50/5 (Int/Agi/Vit) sorc without the proper gear.

Poisoner (DPS)
Scratch Raider (Fresh 50, or if you go for the support/vit build).

How to play your Sorcerer:

Rule Number 1: Always. Always. Always. Use Land of Recovery.
Rule Number 2: Don't forget you can heal. Even a level 1 Healing Wave and Rejuvenation can keep your Tank from dying while the healers are preoccupied.
Rule Number 3: Know who to resurrect. Priorities are Tanks and Healers (for chain resurrections).
Addendum to Rule Number 3: Be careful not to resurrect at the same time as others, communication is key in any party/raid.
Rule Number 4: Always drop Summon Aqua unless otherwise told not to DPS.

Otherwise, proceed to annihilate your opponents with your attack skills.

Skill Rotations and Combos:

Skill Combo 1: Foresight > FD > JT > VS > JT
Skill Combo 2: FD > JT > VS
Skill Combo 3: FD > JT > LB > LB, FD > VS

Use rotations when combos aren't available.

Skill Rotation 1: Spam Lightning Bolt.
Skill Rotation 2: Spam Cold Bolt. When Wind Arms triggers, use Varetyr if available, otherwise use Jupitel. Use Cold Bolt when Jupitel is on Cooldown.


Wizard Build DPS Single Hitter

Build yang mengutamakan DPS (Damage Per Second) untuk 1 target.


Tips Warrior Guide 2 (Tanker atau DPS) [Indonesia]

Class Role:
- Tank

- Weapon: Greatsword
- Armor: Heavy Armor (Chain)

Sekerdar saran, SWORDMAN CLASS (knight & Warrior) sangat dianjurkan memakai lifejob Blacksmith, karena hasil craft untuk naikin level bisa dipake sendiri dan tida terbuang sia-sia ke NPC.
Atau bisa juga menjadi Chef, karena tanpa adanya Healer, makanan dari chef sangatlah berguna bagi class ini. dan buffnya juga cukup membantu.
kenapa nggak Alche? bisa juga kok gan. tp klo Tanker, booster pot kurang gtu guna meski HP pot gede punya alche sangat menjanjikan. .

Mendengar kata "WARRIOR" di kepala agan kebayang cowo kekar bawa senjata gede. Warrior di RO2 adalah class yg membawa Greatsword, tanpa Shield tentunya. tanpa adanya shield bukan berarti dia nggak bisa jadi Tanker.
warrior punya skill istimewa yg bisa naikin def eva parry sebesar 30% (max).

36 STR
31 AGI
31 VIT

40 STR
40 AGI

41 STR
41 VIT

41 STR
41 AGI


Skill Info:
HC: demage dah minus 10% pake Defender, mending 1 aja tapi klo mau ambil 5 juga tidak dilarang asal jgn korbankan BASH ama AURA STRIKE.

Bash: Skill Wajib sebagai Swordman, untuk maintenance aggro skill ini sangat dibutuhkan, dimana agan bisa spam skill ini untuk naikin threat.

Provoke: Skill buat aggro, bedanya di delay aja. asal DPS ga ugal ugalan sih 1 cukup. klo dps ugal juga masih ada Wide Provoke. lbih cepet delay skill ini lbih bagus. inget jgn asal pake skill ini kecuali perlu, misal buat narik mob dari kerumunan maho. atau saat Threat agan dibawah DPS.

MB: Skill yg kalah saing ama GC(knit) atau BS(war), ga gw saranin deh ambil meski cuma 1, tar skill udah banyak kaga bakal kepakai soalnya BS juga no delay.

BO: NICE SKILL, 10% STR akan cukup membantu apalagi buff all party, maknyos rasanya, dan juga para fisik DPS pasti mengharapkan ini soalnya, ga usah berharap dari swordman lain kali aja mereka mikir sama ky agan.

WP: Sama aja kek Provoke cuma ini AREA, dan delay lbih lama. cukup guna di end game dimana banyak adds. tp jgn terlalu maksa juga, soalnya sadar diri agan bukan superman klo mau ngemob smua. lbih cepet delay lbih bagus untuk skill ini.

AS: Skill andalan masa kecil, jaman masih swordman. sangat guna buat nutup delay RS, pasangan emasnya skill BASH, MAX IT!!!

BM: kejauhan buat nambah crit dikit aja perlu ngorbanin 2 SP, not worth gan. ga usah diambil.

AB: Ga bisa stack bareng AA, ga worth diambil, 1 aja buat jalan. ambil dua duanya? silakan aja, trus sekalian kimpoi ama olga Description: http://kkcdn-static.kaskus.co.id/images/smilies/sumbangan/6.gif

AA: SKILL WAJIB, ga agan ambil berarti agan TANKER MAHO. MAX IT!!!

Berserk: Buff nambah demage, tp nurunin eva, klo agan TANK ga worth lah ambil skill ini.

AC: Level 1 dpt 50 level 2 dapet 100, saran ane max ini soalnya dipake buat tension relax dan spam aura strike. klo cuma 50 eff tension relaxpun cuma setengah.

TR: Skill heal diri sendiri ini sangat membantu karena dia ikut max HP, beda dengan punya knight, jadi healnya bisa sampe 60% max HP. mantap lah.

BB: Awalnya ane bingung skill demagenya sgini lbih kecil dari Bash soalnya dia delay, tp dia hit 3x. kurang bagus soalnya masih butuh SP buat yg lain. isi 1 aja.

PA: Skill yg bikin nyungsep musuh agan, boss ga bisa nyungsep, percuma.

Parrying: Skill nambah parry nah kenapa ga max aja? karena tar lvl gede parry agan bisa sampe 80% ane kira dah cukup itu aja tanpa skill ini.

BL: skill loncat trus bikin mobs nyungsep, ga worth diambil soalnya ribet dan ga guna buat tank, kadang juga stuck terbang ga turun-turun. 1 aja buat jalan.

Endure: Skill kepepetnya warrior, wajib diambil klo agan beneran Tanker.

RS: Skill ultimate warrior, ky shield cannonnya knight, mau diambil juga ga masalah. tp ga bisa max. soalnya masih banyak skill lain yg diperlukan, inget ini bahas tanker.

BS: Mirip mirip Grand Cross, skill AOE demage mayan ya ini. max it.

Defender: Ini adalah SHIELDnya Warrior. max it. defnya nambah 30% mantap. .

ijo aja ya yg gampang di farm. Description: http://kkcdn-static.kaskus.co.id/images/smilies/malus.gif

Snatcher Raiders Card
STR +6
AGI +6
INT +6
WIS +6
VIT +17

Garbong card
STR +9
AGI +9
VIT +9
INT +6
WIS +3

Sumber: anakberuang

Selasa, 22 Januari 2013

Tips Warrior Guide (Off Tank n DPS) [English]

DPS stats:
41 str
41 agi

Tank stats:
*NOTED that there's no ACTUAL stats for Tank, since vit is pretty much useless unless your want to see your HP higher than anyone (slightly). But I recommend either this 3 stats:

40 str
40 vit
8 agi

40 str
30 agi
rest vit

*this build if you think you don't need any HP boost*
41 str
41 agi

STR - increase your Phy. attack and your parry rates
VIT - Increase your HP
AGI - Increase your dodge rates and critical rates.

The only stat you need to focus is having 40 str at the end of the day. This is because that's the source of your phy. attack! Besides that, what's matter the most is your equipment's bonus stats as they have a big role in boosting your status. 


My personal Build (Off Tank):

Those who wish to be pure DPS (not recommended by it's your choice):

Swordman Skill
Bash 5/5
max this skill since it is your everyday skill!

Head Assault 5/5 or 1/5
Max or leave this at lvl 1. your choice!

Provoke 1 /5
aggroing monster. leave it at lv 1

Battle Orders 5/5
need to say more? 10% str baby! max it!

Aura Strike 5/5
Definitely max this. This will be one of your main attack.

Wide Provoke 1/5 or 0/5
just leave it at lv 1. Not as effective as your red potions! XD. leave it at 0/5 if you're going to become pure DPS.

Armor Aura 5/5 or 0/5
this is a MUST have skill for Off Tank Warrior. 300% agrro, 20% more hp. If you're going to become pure DPS warrior, leave it at 0

Sword Aura 1/5 or 5/5
lalala~ baka~ leave it at lv 1, unless you want to be pure DPS. do not recommend

Magnum Break 0/5
don't bother spending your precious point here~

Battle Manual 0/5
same as above~

Warrior Skill:
Anger Control 2/2
no need to ask. it's your MUST have skill lol. I recommend to max this but you can choose not to.

Berserk 1/5 or 5/5
increase your attack by 4 * Lv. leave it at 1/5 if you're going to become OT, or max this if you're planning to be Pure DPS.

Tension Relax 3/3
Your only self heal. max this. would definitely save some of your red pots.

Bowling Bash 5/5
another your everyday skill. Max this.

Pommel Attack 1/5
you rarely use this skill. Leave it at lv 1.(useful for pvp)

Parrying 3/5
great skill for tank. Leave it if you're not Tank.

Endure 5/5
Another skill for tank. Leave it if you're not Tank.

Battle Leaf 1/5
Leave it at lv 1. Rarely use it(useful for pvp)

Rage Strike 3/5 or 5/5
your STRONGEST skill. If You're tank, no need to max this. (80% phy. damage at lv 3, 90% at lv 5, and it's up to 3 monster!)

Brandish Storm 3/3
your only AOE skill. Max this! (it has no cooldown, and it looks cool! XD)

Defender 0/5 or 5/5
a MUST have skill for Off Tank warrior, otherwise leave it.


Ancient Assassin Card (I don't remember the stats. but it add your str/agi and vit if I'm not mistaken)

Snatcher Raiders Card
str +6
agi +6
int +6
wis +6
vit +17

Garbong card
STR +9
agi +9
vit +9 
int +6
wis +3


Tips Knight Build 2 (Indonesia)

Class Role:

- Tank
- DPS (sangat tidak disarankan)

Quote:- Weapon: Aura Sword, Shield
- Armor: Heavy Armor (Plate)

Sekerdar saran, SWORDMAN CLASS (knight & Warrior) sangat dianjurkan memakai lifejob Blacksmith, karena hasil craft untuk naikin level bisa dipake sendiri dan tida terbuang sia-sia ke NPC.
Atau bisa juga menjadi Chef, karena tanpa adanya Healer, makanan dari chef sangatlah berguna bagi class ini. dan buffnya juga cukup membantu.
kenapa nggak Alche? bisa juga kok gan. tp klo Tanker, booster pot kurang gtu guna meski HP pot gede punya alche sangat menjanjikan. .

Quote:untuk knight mgkn agan-agan berpikir klo VIT itu sangat perlu hingga ada yg pake FUL VIT, Tapi FULL VIT sangat tidak disarankan. karena agan akan dapet masalah pada saat hunt dan kontrol aggro dimana demage agan terlalu rendah. Boss cuma ngerasa geli geli aja. ada beberapa pilihan dsni yg mana akan saya bahas tapi dsni saya bahas build TANK saja, soalnya Knight DPS itu lbih lucu daripada monyet yg naek motor balap.

36 STR
31 AGI
31 VIT

40 STR
40 AGI

41 STR
41 VIT

41 STR
41 AGI


Skill Info:
HC: WHY 1? ya karena gw nggak suka dotnya, secara demage knight itu tergolong kecil, tapi klo mau ambil 5 juga tidak dilarang asal jgn korbankan BASH ama AURA STRIKE.

Bash: Skill Wajib sebagai KNIGHT, untuk maintenance aggro skill ini sangat dibutuhkan, dimana agan bisa spam skill ini untuk naikin threat. +1 aura juga soalnya.

Provoke: Skill buat aggro, bedanya di delay aja. asal DPS ga ugal ugalan sih 1 cukup. klo dps ugal juga masih ada Wide Provoke. lbih cepet delay skill ini lbih bagus. inget jgn asal pake skill ini kecuali perlu, misal buat narik mob dari kerumunan maho. atau saat Threat agan dibawah DPS.

MB: Skill yg kalah saing ama GC(knit) atau BS(war), ga gw saranin deh ambil meski cuma 1, tar skill udah banyak kaga bakal kepakai soalnya GC juga no delay.

BO: NICE SKILL, 10% STR akan cukup membantu apalagi buff all party, maknyos rasanya, dan juga para fisik DPS pasti mengharapkan ini soalnya jarang jarang knight dan warrior party bareng.

WP: Sama aja kek Provoke cuma ini AREA, dan delay lbih lama. cukup guna di end game dimana banyak adds. tp jgn terlalu maksa juga, soalnya sadar diri agan bukan superman klo mau ngemob smua. lbih cepet delay lbih bagus untuk skill ini.

AS: Skill andalan masa kecil, jaman masih swordman. sangat guna buat nutup delay SC, pasangan emasnya skill BASH, MAX IT!!!

BM: Skill Najis, ga usah diambil, apa? mau dijelasin juga? pikir sendiri lah udah pada gede.

AB: ga bisa stack bareng AA, ga worth diambil, 1 aja buat jalan.

AA: SKILL WAJIB, ga agan ambil berarti agan TANKER MAHO. MAX IT!!!

Conc: Skill yg lumayan keren cuma ga sgitu penting daripada diambil buat ini mending yg lain.

AM: 3 boleh, 1 aja juga boleh. sejauh ini gw pake AURA COMBO itu sering reset, makanya skalian aja gw max dsni.

AH: Skill DEWA ini, gan. . JGN DIAMBIL Description: http://kkcdn-static.kaskus.co.id/images/smilies/hammers.gif

SC: skill jungkir balik cacaca ini ga pas buat tanker, animasinya juga kadang nyangkut. stun 3s cukup guna sih, tp lbih dari 1 itu pantangan.

SB: Shield Boomerang, hati hati pake ini klo mau lure aja jgn soalnya saat lempar itu dia nyetrum sampe 3 mobs.

AS: Skill masa masa kefefet, max it. cukup guna kok. pake aja klo boss mulai berserk. atau HP down 50%.

SBM: Ini yg gw tunggu tunggu, dimana demage SB lumayan, dengan chance reset trus dapet aura juga nice, klo ga aktif ya lumanyun.

GC: Skill andalan gw, dimana asik buat di spam animasinya juga cepet. Magnum Break aja kalah jauh deh. . MAX IT.

SC: skill demagenya asoy banget. . cuma delaynya itu bikin gigit jari, max aja.

SB: Sodaranya Shield Cannon ini, delay lama, stun 3s. not worth buat diambil 1 aja.

SF: Skill lucu, pake ini ga bisa gerak, tapi mantap. max it. dan agan bisa niru gaya gw, pake skill ini trus treak "HEAL GW WOY!!!" pakenya klo HP 30-40% aja.

ijo aja ya yg gampang di farm.

Snatcher Raiders Card
STR +6
AGI +6
INT +6
WIS +6
VIT +17

Garbong card
STR +9
AGI +9
VIT +9
INT +6
WIS +3

Sumber: anakberuang

Tips Knight Builds (English)

Recommended build status

40 str
40 agi
8 vit

40 str
30 agi
rest vit

41 str
41 agi 

STR - increase your Phy. attack and your parry rates
VIT - Increase your HP
AGI - Increase your dodge rates and critical rates.

Settingan Knight PVE Skill

Skill Deskripsi:
Swordman Skill
Bash 5/5
max this skill since it is your everyday skill!

Head Assault 5/5 or 1/5
Max or leave this at lvl 1. your choice!

Provoke 1 /5
aggroing monster. leave it at lv 1

Battle Orders 5/5
need to say more? 10% str baby! max it!

Aura Strike 5/5
Definitely max this. This will be one of your main attack.

Wide Provoke 1/5
just leave it at lv 1. Not as effective as your pots! XD

Armor Aura 5/5
this is a MUST have skill for Knight. 300% agrro, 20% more hp. need to say more? MAX this!

Sword Aura 1/5
lalala~ baka~ leave it at lv 1. lol

Magnum Break 0/5
don't bother spending your precious point here~

Battle Manual 0/5
same as above~

Knight Skill
Aura Mastery 1/3
don't need to level it up. IMHO, you can easily stack up your aura.

Concentration 0/3
a BIG NO-NO. you're a tank, there's no point increasing damage taken. *sigh*

Aura Heal 0/3 or 3/3
max this if you want to heal yourself. Though, I recommend to leave this as 0/3 since even with full epic equipment, it only heals you up to 300 hp.

Shield Charge 1/5

Shield Boomberang 1/5
Just to agro/kite monster. leave this at level 1.

Aura Shield 5/5
Max this. reduce 20% damage taken for 10seconds. will definitely come handy when party dungeon / raiding!

Shield Boomberang Mastery 1/5

Grand Cross 3/3
your one and only AOE skill! max this! XD

Shield Cannon 5/5
the most powerful skill you'll ever have. MAX IT!

Shield Bash 1/5
just leave it at lv 1. This is to knockdown monster for 3 sec. Definitely useful in pvping

Shield Fortress(5/5)
your party buff. works greats!

Ragnarok 2 Skill Simulator (Indonesia)

Bagi kawan-kawan untuk menghindari kesalahan di in-game nanti ataupun menghindari penggunaan reset skill Kafra Item (Item Mall) :P,
gunakan skill simulator di link berikut:


Status Character Calculator (Indonesia)

Usahakan status tiap poinnya maksimal 40 atau 41, karena semakin tinggi status poin, syarat untuk menaikkan poinnya semakin besar. Maka dari itu lebih baik diimbangi saja, karena nantinya akan tertutup sesuai kartu dan equip.

Untuk membuat dan mempersiapkan di gamenya. Coba simulasi stat simulator di sini: http://www.roguard.net/index.php?m=stats_calc



Early Leveling Guide (Indonesia)

Newbie Guide for Beginner 

Yo gan , saya mau share guide

saya main CBT cuman sempat sampai level 10an doang
tapi begitu Setrest <- [paling enak manggilnya gitu Description: http://kkcdn-static.kaskus.co.id/images/smilies/sumbangan/14.gif )
ane langsung ngebut ,

1. Setrest pertama level 12 [3 jam kalo enggak salah]
2. Setrest kedua level 14 [ 1 jam jormungand, 1 jam einhenjar]
3. Setrest terakhir level 19 [ 5 jam ]

yah gua gak bilang kalo gw sok hebat ye, di banding gw banyak yg maen CBT sampe level mentok yg udah tau seluk beluknya.

gw ngasi tau basic dr game mmorpg yg model begini doang .


Jadi Stepnya

1. Biar gampang , set map dulu , Pencet M -> Jadiin Transparan -> Drag Map ke kiri atas ( pencet ctrl + drag )

2. Disini questnya model straight mission , jadi alur quest itu dari masuk map sampe keluar map . ( gaktau ya kalo di map selanjutnya)
jadi tinggal ikutin aja tanda tanya sama tanda seru di map .

3. Jalanin Primary Quest sama Khara Quest barengan. Setiap naik level, pasti ada Khara Quest baru, nah langsung aktifin aja dulu setiap naik level
[ karna biasanya khara mission & primary mission tuh sama , cuman beda jumlah momonnya aja . jadi biar sekali gebuk kelar 2 quest, gausah bolak balik . ]
Jadi setiap naik level : Naikin Stat , Naikin skill , Buka Khara Quest - aktifin

4. Nah misalnya Questnya suruh lawan monster A , tapi lo gatau monster A posisinya dimana, caranya , di bar Quest sebelah kanan, klik kiri questnya, nanti di map muncul titik titik merah . disitulah monster berada Description: http://kkcdn-static.kaskus.co.id/images/smilies/sumbangan/14.gif

5. Terus aja jalanin Quest ikutin alur, gak perlu grinding grinding . jalanin quest aja . kalo misalnya stuck lawan mini boss ( model Mastering, Vocal , overlook hornet dll ) dan gak kuat, skip aja dulu, lanjutin quest yg lain. nanti kalo level udah agak gedean, balik lagi .

6. ini yang paling penting , setiap udah di ujung map , sebelom masuk ke map selanjutnya, cek dulu primary quest sama khara quest . udah kelar semua belom ? kalo udah yakin, baru lanjut , daripada nanti bolak balik .


sementara itu aja ,
gua pengen cendol woy, jangan baca doang , terus kabur nge praktekin


=UPDATE DIKIT [2 Jan 2013]=

Untuk Life Job , gw recommend bagi yang Melle DPS/ Close Combat
ambil life job alchemist / Blacksmith aja.
Kenapa ? Jadi untuk naikin job level gaperlu bunuh momon, karna di high level repiar nya mahal

See u in OBT

Newbie Guide for Beginner (Indonesia)

1. JOB
Job awal ada 5 : swordman, thief, archer, mage, acolyte
masing2 job punya 2 cabang (2nd job), bisa berubah di level 25 lewat npc quest masing2 di Prontera

Status dibagi jadi 5:
- Str = Physical damage & block
- Agi = Dodge & critical
- Wis = Max MP/SP
- Int = Magic damage & block
- Vit = Max HP & % nambah HP dari potion
status bisa didapat lewat level up, equip, rune & kartu
untuk naekin stats tiap level up, bisa klik icon level up di kanan layar, atau lewat char window lalu klik gambar di kiri
akurasi, attack speed & cast speed ngga dipengaruhi stats, tapi lewat equip & buff

- Knight = Tanker (1h sword + shield)
- Warrior = DPS or 2nd Tanker (2h sword)
- Assasin = DPS (katar/claw)
- Rogue = DPS (double dagger)
- Ranger = DPS (bow)
- Beastmaster = Tanker (spear)
- Wizard = DPS + AoE (staff)
- Sorcerer = DPS or support (staff)
- Priest = Support (mace)
- Monk = DPS or tanker (fist)

- Blacksmith = Bikin senjata, heavy armor & hole puncher (lubangin equip)
- Artisan = Bikin light & clothes armor & rune (nambah stats equip)
- Alchemist = Bikin potion untuk HP/SP & stats, oridecon & erunium (STR,AGI,INT,WIS,VIT)
- Chef = Bikin food untuk restore HP/SP & buff (nambah ATK,DEF,HP, dll)

Keyboard shortcut untuk UI & skill bisa di ganti di option
shortcut juga bisa pake tambahan alt+, ctrl+, atau shift+

Overall quest ada 4 macem: bunuh momon, ambil barang, ngomong sama npc & escort (ngejagain) npc
untuk liat target quest (monster, item, npc) tinggal klik quest nya di quest tracker kanan
selain quest biasa lewat NPC, ada juga daily quest lewat mission board
daily quest ini bisa diulang2 setiap hari, reset setiap pagi

Dungeon di RO2 sama ky mmorpg lainnya, yaitu instance mode
di dalem dungeon, kita ga bakal nemuin char lain selain kita & party kita
khusus raid, bisa dimasukin max 10 orang (raid party)

Masing2 life job punya cara gathering nya masing2:
Blacksmith = mining berbagai macam ore dari batu yg ada efek2 nyala nya
Alchemist = gathering berbagai macam tumbuhan dari tumbuhan yg ada efek2 nyala nya
Artisan = ngambil berbagai bahan dari sisa2 monster yg mati
Chef = ngambil berbagai bahan dari sisa2 monster yg mati

Rata2 inti dari crafting masing2 life job sama
kumpulin dulu bahan2 yg diperluin trus bikin lewat craft window (J)
bahan craft dibagi 3, ada yg hasil gathering/mining, dropan monster, sama item dasar beli di npc
tiap level2 tertentu kita bisa beli resep crafting baru dari npc life job masing2

Auction npc ada di tiap kota, gunanya buat jual/beli barang
barang bisa dipasang di auction selama 1, 3, atau 7 hari
tiap naro barang bkl kena pajak tergantung harga barang & lamanya barang dipasang
barang yg kita beli otomatis masuk ke mailbox, cek mailbox untuk ngambilnya
ngambil zenny dari barang yg laku juga lewat mailbox

11. MAIL
Mailbox ada di deket kafra di tiap kota.
mailbox bisa dipake untuk ngirim pesan, barang, maupun zenny

Untuk nempa armor/senjata bisa lewt npc blacksmith di tiap kota
tiap nempa kita butuh oridecon (untuk senjata) & erunium (untuk armor)
oridecon & erunium bisa didapat lewat quest, disassemble equip level 25+ atau crafting alchemist
disassemble senjata dapet oridecon, disassemble armor dapet erunium
nama oridecon & erunium berbeda tergantung level equip (powder, etc)
ga ada batas aman, ke +1 pun chance nya cuma 96%

Khara merupakan side quest yg bisa diberesin dgn berbagai cara
mulai dari bunuh momon, ngumpulin item/card, make item, dll..
untuk aktifin khara quest, pilih dulu khara nya, lalu klik challenge
khara juga dibagi jadi 2 jenis, khara yg membutuhkan khara point untuk aktivasi, dan khara yg hadiahnya khara point

Bisa di dapet dari selesain achivement (khara quest)
Beberapa title yg bagus biasanya didapat dari khara quest bunuh Boss map (co: Lurker Fly)
title bisa di set lewat khara window (O), lalu klik icon di sebelah kanan
untuk ganti title biasanya ada delay waktu nya, jadi ga bisa ganti title sembarangan

15. CARD
Sistem kartu di RO2 bisa dibilang beda jauh dari RO1
kartu2 di RO2 cuma berfungsi sebagai penambah stats (STR, AGI, VIT, dll)
untuk masang kartu, buka char window (C) dan bag
buka bagian card di char window lalu drag kartu yg mau dipasang ke slot kartu yg kosong
untuk ganti kartu di slot yg udah dipake, tinggal ditimpa
kartu yg udah dipasang ga bisa dilepas
slot kartu nambah tiap kelipatan 10 level

Mount bisa didapetin lewat 3 cara: beli di npc, drop monster di dungeon, item mall
untuk beli mount di npc, tinggal ngomong ke npc mount master di gerbang prontera utara
npc nya ada di sebelah kanan kafra di seberang jalan
harga mount peco2 standar 10z, dan baru bisa dipake di level 15
untuk masang mount, pake dulu item (reins) nya, nanti muncul di mount list
di mount list, liat di bagian owned lalu pasang di shortcut biar gampang

/n = normal
/g = guild
/p = party
/1 = chanel public
/4 = channel custom (indo/dll)
/w <name> = whisper
backspace = bales whisperan terakhir
untuk atur chat window, klik kanan di "All" di window chat, lalu matiin chat yg ga perlu

18. ETC
- Bersihin layar = Untuk screenshot tanpa UI, pencet ctrl+z
- Ganti bag = Drag bag yang baru ke bag yg lama, dari inventory ke bag icon di bawah
- Bikin party = Klik kanan char orang, pilih request party
- Leave party = Klik kanan gambar foto char di kiri atas, pilih leave party
- Join channel = Pencet U > Channel > Add channel, isi nama channel yg diinginkan
kl ga sengaja leave channel (public, party, trade, dll) tinggal ketik lagi di U
kl join channel yg belum ada, otomatis bikin channel baru
untuk ganti warna chat channel, klik kotak sebelah nama channel